Worship Service

Sign Up for Sunday Worship Service

As you probably have heard the Swedish government has put up new restrictions that affects our Sunday Service.
We will therefore start with TWO Services from January 16th, 2022,
as we cannot be more than 50 people in each Service.

We ask you to choose one and sign up for it by the following links:
Service at 9:30
Service at 11:00
The Sign up is for adults only.

From January 23rd all children are welcome to Kids Life at both Sunday- Services. They need to go upstairs in church to Kids Life before the worship service starts.
We also plan to start a third Sunday meeting from January 23rd at 18.00, no Kids Life then. 

More info about it will come next week. Gods Peace and a warm welcome!
Phil.4:7 “And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” DLT in New Life Church Alvik