About Us

New Life – A Church That Loves Jesus

We are committed to implementing Jesus’ life and mission into our everyday lives and in the life of the church. We gather every week to worship and you can join us here at New Life Alvik or at one of the New Life sites in the greater Stockholm area!


A Swedish Church Representing Over 50 Nations

Many of our members are Swedes, yet, New Life represents more than 50 different nationalities from all corners of the world. Our main worship services are held in both Swedish and English. We also provide translation into Mongolian, Russian, Polish and some other languages.

Life Group Church

Because we are designed to live in a community, our Life Groups are a safe place to build healthy relationships. This is why we have Life Groups in New Life!

Church Connected to Others

New Life is connected to the Swedish denomination, Interact the Evangelical Free Church of Sweden. Interact has a charismatic Baptist tradition with its roots in the 19th-century revival movements in Sweden. We love working together with other churches and organizations in serving our city!

Our Beliefs

We believe the Gospel is God’s good news for the whole world, and we are determined
by his grace to obey Christ’s commission to proclaim it to all mankind and to make disciples of every nation.

The church has adopted the Lausanne Covenant’s statement concerning the Bible: ”We confirm our faith in both the Old and New Testament’s divine inspiration, truth and authority, its uniqueness as the only written word of God, without error in what it says and the only perfect guideline for faith and practice.”

You can read the Lusanne covenant by clicking on the below button.